Zeps i peipe

Type: wiersz

Comment: Poem by Francis Trasuns (1922); recited by Marute Laskovska. The line "transliteracja" contains the text as recited, the line "ortograficzne" contains the text as published.

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Orthographic Translettering Translation (PL) Translation (EN) Morphology Phonetic Comment
Itū fabulu maņ īmuoceija mamma, Veneranda Stafecka. Tei ir Franča Trasna fabula „Zeps i Peipe”. It was my mother, Veneranda Stafecka, who taught me this fabel. It is Francis Trasuns’ fabel „Zeps and Peipe”.
Uz jumta beja izatraucis Zeps: Iz jumta beja izatraucis Zeps Zeps had climbed onto the roof
Aiz jūstas beja aizbuozts jam tabaka reps Aiz jūstas jam beja aizbuozts tabaka reps He had put a tobacco pouch under his belt
Un peipe zūbūs īkūsta. I peipe zūbūs īkūsta and a pipe between his teeth
Šei līta Zepam parosta – Šei līta Zepam parosta That was a common thing with Zeps
Ar peipi zūbūs jumtam jaunas cysas likt! Ar peipi zūbūs jumtam jaunys cysys likt! to put new straw onto the roof, having a pipe between his teeth
Un jumtu luopeit nav jau slikt Jumtu luopeit nav jau slikt to repair the roof is nothing bad
Tik slikti beja tys, ka jumts nu peipes suoka sviļt Un diļt Bet tys bej slikts, ka jumts nu peipis suoka sviļt i diļt the only bad thing was that the roof began to smoulder from the pipe and vanished
Kai korstā saulē pavasara snīgs, Kai korstā saulē pavasara snīgs like snow in hot sunshine
Ka Zepam puorguoja i snaudūne, i mīgs. Ka Zepam izguoj snaudūne i mīgs and Zeps forgot his slumber and sleepiness
Tik verīs, muojas izputēs – vot, vot! Verīs, muojas izputēs – vot, vot! Watch out, you will destroy the house!
Par laimi kaimiņs gadejuos jam kluot Par laimi kaimiņš gadājās fortunately a neighbour came to help
Kas žigli jumtam daļu nūplēse, Kas jumtam daļu nūplēse who quickly tore off part of the roof
Ar yudini jū aizlēja un guni apdzēse Ar yudini jū aizlēja poured water on it [and extinguished the fire]
Lai gon i peipi zemē nūsvīde, ka saduza, - however, he smashed the pipe, it broke
Un Zepeits beja gluobts. Tai Zepeits tyka gluobts and little Zeps was saved / so little Zeps got saved
Bet Zeps jū lomuoja: „E, padauza! A Zeps jū lomuoja: A padauza! But Zeps abused him: You clumsy clot!
E, napraša, kai cierva pīšs, kai kuots!” A napraška, ka cierva pīšs, kai kuots! You oaf, you're like a axe handle!
Tik kaimiņs breinuojuos: „Par kū?” A kaimiņš breinuojuos: Par kū? The neighbour wondered: Why this?
„Jo nasaprūt, - par tū, Tu nazyni? Par tū Don't you know?
Kam peipi saberzi Ka peipi saberzi because you smashed the pipe
Un dorbu izjauci!” I dorbu izjauci! and disturbed my work!
- Ar ļaunu atmoksuot, tur ļaudis dreizi gon, Ar ļaunu atmoksuot, tur ļaudis dreizi gon, [moral:] people are quick to take revenge for something bad
bet pateiceibā sovaidi: bet tad pateiceibā sovaidi but gratefulness is a different thing
Kod lobu dori kam, tod pateiceibas nagaidi! tod.. Kod lobu dori kam, tad pateiceibys nagaidi. When you someone good, don't expect gratitude.

Text Sources

Name Type File Name Author Year Title Other Description
Ltg_2012_rec_MaLa_Zeps nagranie/audio Ltg_2012_rec_MaLa_Zeps.mp3 Nicole Nau 2012 Zeps i peipe Francis Transuns 1922 wiersz recytuje Maruta Laskovska